Black Bay Project
The 1114 ha Black Bay Project is located 8km SE of Uranium City and 4km south of the Uranium City airport in northern Saskatchewan. Uranium City is located on the north shore of Lake Athabasca, 536km NNW of LaRonge and is accessible via scheduled flights from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and charter aircraft from Fort McMurray, Alberta. All season road access is available to Stoney Rapids then a 175km seasonal ice road to Uranium City via Fon-du-Lac. Uranium City is endowed with services such as hospital, lodging accommodations, groceries, fuel and airport.
The Black Bay claims were acquired in 2023 and have no underlying royalties or encumbrances. They are located within 3km of a power transmission line and accessible by boat or float/ski equipped aircraft from Uranium City. A detailed compilation and interpretation of available data from historical work programs has begun and will lead to recommendations for future work and more information for this webpage.
- Saskatchewan
- Available for option: No
- Uranium
Project Highlights
- Host to the past producing Black Bay Uranium Mine
- Grab samples from historical drill core at 12.8m depth returned 16.74% and 9.64% U308
- Hosts Beaverlodge-style basement-hosted uranium mineralization
- Property hosts multiple uranium mineral occurrences
- Reported production consisted of 1,375 tons grading 0.17% U308 in 1958