Wildhorse Project
The 355 ha Wildhorse Property is located 27 km NE of Cranbrook in the Rocky Mountains of SE B.C. Eagle Plains acquired the claims in 2005 for Au vein occurrences and sediment hosted Cu mineralization. The claims coincide with the furthest reported upstream placer gold occurrences on the Wildhorse River, which produced over 1 m oz. of Au in the late 1800’s.
- British Columbia
- Available for option: Yes
- Gold,
- Copper,
- Silver
Project Highlights
- Numerous high-grade gold occurrences within a proven placer district
- Untested geochemical anomalies
- Multiple target deposit types favorable for gold and copper
- Road accessible with nearby rail, highway, airport, smelter, hydro
- Encouraging exploration to date with comprehensive database
The 355 ha Wildhorse Property is located 27 km NE of Cranbrook in the Rocky Mountains of SE B.C. Eagle Plains acquired the claims in 2005 for Au vein occurrences and sediment hosted Cu mineralization. The claims coincide with the furthest reported upstream placer gold occurrences on the Wildhorse River, which produced over 1 m oz. of Au in the late 1800’s.
Project Highlights
- Numerous high-grade gold occurrences within a proven placer district
- Untested geochemical anomalies
- Multiple target deposit types favorable for gold and copper
- Road accessible with nearby rail, highway, airport, smelter, hydro
- Encouraging exploration to date with comprehensive database
The property overlies Proterozoic rocks of the Kitchener, Creston and Aldridge formations, more specifically, a shelf-type depositional environment that existed 1300 Ma along the margin of the present continental mass. Intrusive rocks are present along with a large gabbroic sill that transects the sediments over 5 km and is closely related to the geology of the Kootenay King and Estella deposits, on strike to the north, 4 and 10 km respectively. The structural complexity contributes to an essentially inferred geological interpretation. Documentation of past-producers is abundant and mineralization processes are relatively well understood.
In the late 1800’s two veins were discovered and developed with limited workings, the Dardenelle and Tit for Tat. In 1975, 96 t was mined from the Dardenelle Vein grading 14.4 g/t Au. Several modern exploration programs have taken place since the 1980’s concluding that the property had “good economic potential”.
Eagle Plains Exploration
Between 1992 and present, Eagle Plains has carried out six exploration programs involving geological mapping and prospecting, geochemical surveys, airborne geophysics and diamond-drilling. Significant results include:
- The upper and lower elevation adits exploited massive quartz veins separated by thrust faulting.
- Discovery of a “Spar Lake-type” sedimentary Cu - Ag showing anomalous in Cu and Ag
- Drilling the Dardanelles revealed an increase in thickness and width of the upper quartz vein in the southerly direction, with drill intercepts including:
- 13.9 g/t Au over 0.49m
- 2.29 g/t Au, 3.2 g/t Ag and 0.2% Pb over 0.87m
- Drilling at the Copper Creek Showing intercepted 0.67% Cu over 0.44m
- Geochemical surveying located a number of precious- and base-metal anomalies
Future Work
The Wildhorse Property contains significant Au values and the potential for sedimentary hosted Cu mineralization warranting further exploration including:
- locating the source of the granitic intrusion found in drilling
- geochemical surveys over important anomalies
- drill testing the highest-priority soil anomalies and the re-interpreted Copper Creek Showing
Eagle Plains - A Project Generator
Eagle Plains Resources is a project generator with several mineral exploration properties of merit that meet qualifying transaction requirements. We facilitate the listing process for capital pool companies and initial public offerings while providing technical expertise for exploration programs. Companies interested in co-operatively exploring any of our projects please contact: Chuck Downie at ccd@eagleplains.com or Mike Labach at mgl@eagleplains.com or call 1 866 Hunt Ore (486 8673).
The Wildhorse Project is currently available for option.
The 355 ha Wildhorse Property is located 27 km NE of Cranbrook in the Rocky Mountains of SE B.C. Situated on the east side of the Wildhorse River, where over 1 m oz. of gold was mined from gravels in the late 1800’s, the claims coincide with the furthest reported upstream placer gold occurrences.
Acquired in 2004 for its gold vein occurrences and sediment hosted copper mineralization, The project is 100% owned by Eagle Plains with a 2% NSR held by Eagle Royalties containing a 1% buy-back clause.
Project Highlights
- Numerous high-grade gold occurrences within a proven placer district
- Untested geochemical anomalies
- Multiple target deposit types favorable for gold and copper
- Road accessible with nearby rail, highway, airport, smelter, hydro
- Encouraging exploration to date with comprehensive database
The property overlays Proterozoic rocks of the Kitchener, Creston and Aldridge formations that are comprised largely of quartzite, quartz wacke, siltstone, argillite and silty dolomite. This assemblage of coarse clastic sediments represents a shelf-type depositional environment existing 1300 Ma along the margin of the present continental mass. Intrusive rocks are present in the property area. A large gabbroic sill transects the sediments for over 5 km and is closely related to the geology of the Kootenay King and Estella deposits, on strike to the north, 4 and 10 km respectively. Overturned folds, numerous faults (thrust and lateral offset) and limited outcrop exposure contribute to an essentially inferred geological interpretation of this structurally complex property. Documentation of past-producers is abundant and mineralization processes are relatively well understood.
Dardenelle Vein
In 1892 prospectors discovered gold bearing quartz material and two Crown Grants were surveyed in 1898, the Dardenelles and Motherlode. An arrastra was built nearby to process gold-bearing quartz from two Dardenelles vein adits. Metallurgical issues prevented liberation of free gold from the quartz and work ceased.
In 1975 Magnum Enterprises extracted 96 t of gold-bearing quartz ore from the vein which graded 14.4 g/t Au.
In 1986 Justice Mining drilled 376 m over 10 holes on the vein system concluding a more limited extent and less grade than surface and adit exposures indicated.
Tit for Tat Vein
In 1898 four small shafts were driven into the up to 1 m wide Tit for Tat quartz vein along with four blast trenches. Ground-based exploration by Albury Resources in 1982 concluded that the property had “good economic potential”. This was confirmed by SCC Resources in 1991.
In 1992 a structural interpretation for vein expansion laterally and at depth concluded that the upper and lower elevation adits exploited massive quartz veins separated by thrust faulting.
In 1994, Wildhorse Resources drilled 175m over 2 holes, which failed to intersect the Tit for Tat structure. Geologic mapping to define structural controls on the Tit for Tat mineralization was recommended.
Copper Creek
In 1996 soil geochemistry, silt sampling and prospecting were conducted in Copper Creek where a “Spar Lake-type” sedimentary Cu - Ag showing was discovered. The disseminated chalcopyrite mineralization hosted by Creston Group quartzites att he Wildhorse are equivalent with the Revett Formation quartzites hosting the Spar Lake deposit.
Eagle Plains Exploration
An airborne geophysical survey in 2004 located an anomaly on the NW portion of the property interpreted to be a disseminated conductor positioned within the Upper Aldridge formation.
In 2008, 731 m over 9 holes drill tested the Dardanelles auriferous massive quartz vein. Drill results indicated an increase in thickness and width of the upper quartz vein in the southerly direction. All holes except one intercepted anomalous Au, with the best assay returning 13.90 g/t Au over 0.49m.
In 2010, drilling intercepted weakly anomalous Au in 2 of 5 drill holes at the Copper Creek Showing and 4 of 4 at the Dardenelles. Most significant Au intervals are associated with quartz veining. Cu values of 0.67% over 0.44m were intercepted at the Copper Creek Showing.
2012 - Field Program
A 4 hole – 555 m drill program, geochemical surveys and geological mapping were conducted to expand on the property knowledge and locate future drill targets.
Drilling tested the southern strike of the Dardenelle vein expanding the continuity of it at depth and to the south and confirming the close relationship between granitic intrusions and Au values. The best intercept returned 0.87 m grading 2.29 g/t Au, 3.2 g/t Ag and 0.2% Pb.
Geochemical surveying identified several Au anomalies, including a 320 m length N-S trending feature and and another possibly structurally controlled anomaly. The survey also located base-metal hosted in a mafic intrusive sill exhibiting small mineralized shear zones hosting iron staining, galena and chalcopyrite.
Future Work
The Wildhorse Property contains significant Au values and the potential for sedimentary hosted Cu mineralization warranting further exploration as follows:
- Compilation of all historical work with emphasis on locating the source of the granitic intrusion found in drilling
- Infill soil geochemical surveys on important anomalies discovered in 2012
- Drill testing of highest-priority soil anomalies and the re-interpreted Copper Creek Showing
Eagle Plains - A Project Generator
Eagle Plains Resources is a project generator with several mineral exploration properties of merit that meet qualifying transaction requirements. We facilitate the listing process for capital pool companies and initial public offerings while providing technical expertise for exploration programs. Companies interested in co-operatively exploring any of our projects please contact: Chuck Downie at ccd@eagleplains.com or Mike Labach at mgl@eagleplains.com or call 1 866 Hunt Ore (486 8673).
The Wildhorse Project is currently available for option.
Updated April 30, 2024