Geological Contractor
Generating Significant Revenue
Mineral exploration is a very cyclical industry with bursts of great investment interest in junior exploration companies followed by periods of investment drought. The reasons why vary but the effect is the same, either it’s overly competitive for the available geologists during the upswings or geologists leave the industry during prolonged downturns. From an exploration company’s point of view, either extreme pose challenges.
Just as Eagle Plains reduces the financial risk of exploration by using the project generator model, it also seeks to moderate the effects of market conditions on its ability to conduct exploration programs.
The Challenge
Imagine a booming market with ample funding available for exploration but you can’t find the expertise to conduct programs. Conversely, how do you maintain a team of geologists during a prolonged downturn without draining the treasury?
The Solution
The solution to these challenges was found by taking a long-term approach which included reorganizing Eagle Plains’ technical team into a wholly-owned subsidiary, TerraLogic Exploration. As such, this group is able to conduct programs for third party companies while remaining available to also work for Eagle Plains and its partners. There are many benefits to this type of organization:
- Ongoing availability of a technical team
- Continuity of geological knowledge of Eagle Plains’ projects
- Significant contributions to Eagle Plains’ treasury with profits
- Exposing these geologists to a wide variety of deposit models
In essence, Eagle Plains has turned this challenge into an advantage - rather than having our technical team dependent upon Eagle Plains’ treasury, this reorganization now has this group significantly contributing to the treasury with annual profits of over $1M per year and up to $2M during exceptional years. This also keeps the team consistently engaged in exploration activities and available to conduct exploration programs on Eagle Plains’ properties no matter the market conditions.
TerraLogic Exploration has a team of 10 full-time employees and ramps up during the exploration season to 50-60 seasonal employees.
Below is a chart depicting the annual revenue generated by Terralogic Exploration through geological consulting services conducted for 3rd parties.

Latest News Releases

Eagle Plains and Sun Summit Minerals Execute Option Agreement for the Theory Copper-Gold Project, British Columbia

Eagle Plains and Earthwise Minerals Execute Option Agreement for the Iron Range Gold Project, British Columbia

Eagle Plains and Partner Refined Energy Receive Permit for Drilling at Dufferin West Uranium Property, Saskatchewan

Eagle Plains Announces Letter of Intent with Earthwise Minerals for Option of the Iron Range Project, British Columbia

Eagle Plains Partner Xcite Resources Reports Results From Fieldwork at the Uranium City Area Projects, Saskatchewan