The Iron Range Property is located in SE British Columbia 1 km NE of the town of Creston. This 21,437 ha property overlies the same Lower/Middle Aldridge Formation stratigraphy that hosts the world-class Sullivan sedimentary-exhalative (“SEDEX”) deposit which contained 160 million tons grading 12% Pb/Zn and 67 g/t Ag. Located in Kimberley, the Sullivan had a mineable lifetime of 92 years and contained metal value in present dollars exceeding $35 billion.
The 4,087 ha K9 Property is located 37 km west of Kimberley, in SE British Columbia. Staked in 1996 as a result of in-house research, the claims contain highly prospective targets for polymetallic veining and sulphide replacement zones based on the favorable geologic and structural setting as well as SEDEX style mineralization.. Supporting this is the presence of high-grade mineralization in historical as well as recent rock sampling and broad multi-element geochemical anoma
The 2871 ha Kalum Property is located 35 km NW of Terrace, British Columbia. A number of high-grade, vein-type gold occurrences have been explored by various operators over the past 80 years with all efforts being directed toward discovery of high-grade stand-alone mineralization.
The property is located 4 km west of the Northwest Transmission Line and accessed by a network of logging roads. The project is 100% owned by Eagle Plains with a 2% NSR held by Eagle Royalties containing a 1% buy-back clause.
The 1126 ha Ketch property is located in South-Central British Columbia, 37 km north-northwest of Princeton and 40 km southeast of Merrit. The claims are highly prospective for porphyry related mineralization. The property is positioned 3 km east of highway 5A and is accessible via a well-maintained network of roads and is bisected by a high-powered transmission line.
The project was acquired through staking and is owned 100% by Eagle Plains Resources with no underlying royalties or encumbrances.
The 3,759 ha Lost Horse property is located in South-Central British Columbia, 99 km north of Kamloops and 27 km west-southwest of Clearwater. The project, owned 100% by Eagle Plains Resources, is comprised of the main Lost Horse claim with 4 non contiguous mineral claims and were acquired through staking and third-party purchase agreements.
The claims are highly prospective for porphyry intrusion and epithermal type precious- and base-metal mineralization. The property is road accessible via a well-maintained network of forest service roads.
The 2084 ha Snowstorm Property, located 45 km east of Nakusp, BC, hosts high-grade Au-Ag-Pb-Zn. Mineralization typically forms as sulphide ore shoots hosted in structurally controlled quartz-carbonate veins that can be up to 2.0 m wide and as disseminations and cleavage infill proximal to mineralized veins.
The 355 ha Wildhorse Property is located 27 km NE of Cranbrook in the Rocky Mountains of SE B.C. Situated on the east side of the Wildhorse River, where over 1 m oz. of gold was mined from gravels in the late 1800’s, the claims coincide with the furthest reported upstream placer gold occurrences.
Acquired in 2004 for its gold vein occurrences and sediment hosted copper mineralization, The project is 100% owned by Eagle Plains with a 2% NSR held by Eagle Royalties containing a 1% buy-back clause.
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